A snowshoe is footwear for walking over the snow. Snowshoes work by distributing the weight of the person over a larger area so that the person's foot does not sink completely into the snow, a...
For more information, read the article about Snowshoe in Wikipedia
For more information, read the article about Snowshoe in Wikipedia
Snowshoe in your area
Club Alpino Barcelona, Club de Montaña
Club Alpino de Barcelona, es una entidad deportiva sin ánimo de lucro inscrita en la Generalitat de Catalunya y federada en la FEEC. El CAB tiene...
Creamos, diseñamos y desarrollamos: Programas Educativos, Deportes de Aventura, Descubierta Cultural, Summer Camps, Programas de Incentivos,...
Creamos, diseñamos y desarrollamos: Programas Educativos, Deportes de Aventura, Descubierta Cultural, Summer Camps, Programas de Incentivos,...